
PLASTA is the plastic surgery trainees’ organisation. We represent the interests of the future plastic surgeons of the UK and if you are a trainee in plastic surgery, we would like to represent you.

Whether you have only just decided your future career or whether you are about to become an accredited plastic surgeon, PLASTA is here to help you, to represent you and to be your voice in the organisations involved in training plastic surgeons in the UK.

As a member you may use the PLASTA web site, you may attend educational and business meetings and you will be part of a friendly and helpful community of plastic surgeons in training.


The name of the association shall be “THE PLASTIC SURGERY TRAINEES ASSOCIATION” (PLASTA). In 2003 the name was changed from the Plastic Surgery Senior Registrars Travelling Club (SRTC).
To promote and improve the standards of plastic surgery training in the United Kingdom.

To represent the interests of trainees in Plastic Surgery in the UK.

To maintain trainee representation within council and appropriate committees of the relevent parent organisations for plastic surgery (British Association of Plastic Surgeons, British Society for Surgery of the Hand, the S.A.C.)
MEMBERSHIPFull Membership is open to Plastic Surgery trainees who are Specialist Registrars with a United Kingdom Training Number (NTN). Associate Membership is available to doctors with a career interest in plastic surgery who do not hold a NTN. Only full members are entitled to vote at Business Meetings. All members may attend PLASTA meetings.

There shall be an Annual General Meeting and an annual educational meeting.

Business Meetings may be held on other occasions decided by the Committee.

The Secretary shall call a Special Business Meeting within 28 days of receiving a request, signed by no fewer than ten members specifying the nature of the business.

Six members shall form a quorum at Business Meetings.

In case of a tied vote the Secretary’s vote will be casting.
The Executive Committee of PLASTA will consist of the following persons elected from the membership at the annual meeting. Temporary appointments may be made by the Secretary during the year should the need arise.

SAC representative
BAPS Education and Training representative
BAPS Service and Development Committee representative
BSSH representative (courses, education & development)

Overseas interest group representative
ASIT representative

Website co-ordinator
Flexible trainees representative
Proposal to elect a junior trainees’ representative

The Executive Committee shall have the power to request the resignation of any member deemed by them to have been guilty of conduct contrary to the interests of the Association. Any member whose resignation is requested by the committee shall be suspended until the next business meeting when they shall have the right to appeal and enter a defence. The committee shall state the reasons for suspension and the majority vote of the members at that business meeting shall be final.

The Executive Committee shall have the power to amend the composition of the Committee. Amendments shall be notified at the Annual General Meeting and the majority vote of the members at that meeting shall be final.

The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt anyone who may assist in their work to attend or represent the Committee. Co-opted members of the Executive shall not have voting rights.

A newly elected committee shall have the right, at their discretion, to ask the outgoing Secretary and Treasurer to remain on the Executive Committee for a further one year in the post of ‘Past Secretary’ and ‘Past Treasurer’, to offer support and advice to the new committee.
Subscriptions shall be determined by the committee. No member shall be entitled to any of the privileges of the association while their subscription is in arrears.

The financial year shall extend from 1st January to 31st December inclusive. The Treasurer shall be responsible for producing an annual report of the finances to the Annual General Meeting.

The Treasurer shall be the authorised signatory for the Associations finances, and shall maintain appropriate written annual accounts to be passed by the Executive Committee. No member shall incur any expense on behalf of the Association without the written authority of the Treasurer.
The Constitution and Rules shall only be altered by a majority vote of the executive committee.

Items relevant to PLASTA members will be circulated using e-mail or web based systems. A list of members’ e-mail addresses will be held by the secretary to ensure adequate dissemination of information.

After each council/committee meeting of a parent organisation, the relevant PLASTA representative is required to submit a report to the PLASTA secretary for dissemination to trainees.

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